Friday, March 27, 2009

Schindler's List: A Response

This link shows the history of Schindler's list and information relative to the Holocaust. This one shows the information on Goethe and Schindler and highlights of the movie / what to expect. This one shows Schindlers list and how many people he had the chance to save.

Power to me means someone in control or who wants to take over. To Goethe it means. To Goethe I think it meant it meant the gift to kill anyone he wanted without any cause or motive, sort of like he was doing it for fun or had nothing to do at the time. Goethe was the opposite of Schindler. Power to Schindler meant positive things such as saving lives. Schindler and Goethe both had a sign of power in this movie, both ruled but in different ways. They misused there power by murdering innocent victims and he was brought to righteousness after the war, by being hung.

Schindler went from being an “antihero” to a hero when the man with one arm was shot. He personally came into Schindler office to thank him for making his life easier by letting him work in the factory but the Nazi guards shot him in the street because they thought he was no use and they were there to make money and felt he was a waste of time. Schindler then realized that he had the power to save many lives and by giving these people a chance to live he began to buy them and with this power he became a hero.

I thought this film was very affective because it made me see what they went through and how terrible it got. It made me realize that you should appreciate every day of your life because it could have ended up as something worse than what we live in today.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mesa College Art Gallery

1.) When I first found out we were going to the museum at Mesa College I thought wow its going to be really big. When we got there was lots of pictures but in a little room. Malaquias Montoya exhibit wasn’t really what it seemed to be. His artwork was very much detailed and showed he was dedicated. It was interesting how most or all his paintings represented something from what I noticed. For example, one was called executed and an innocent man was killed for standing up for what he believed in and it reminded me of how Martin Luther think was killed for the exact same purpose trying to make a difference in world history. While drawing his paintings he was expressing his feelings and what he saw in the world that was happening. A particular one was also a man wrapped in the U.S. flag with bullet holes and that shows what people go through in order to give our country freedom. His artwork definitely shows capital punishment.

2.) I think it’s certainly possible. When one paints about his or her feelings that are very strong and meaningful people are forced to listen or see what they have done because they are not going to know what else to do. I also feel that think expression does not equal change

3.) Malaquias Montoya, does bring up a lot of interesting points about society and how capital punishment is dreadful, but he seems very closed minded and doesn't really express the "better" side of capital punishment its more of the negative side. It seems when a crime happens sometimes they try to convict people who have already got in trouble but not the innocent ones who are falsely mistaken. I think if someone kills a person they deserve a punishment that they will remember but learn from their mistakes.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What is Global Warming?

When i first heard of Global Warming i thought of heat. Global warming is actually the increase in temperature.The increase in greenhouse gases are caused by humans and is often one of the major causes of global warming. Globalization the key word of Global.

Top 5 deadliest effects of Global Warming

5.) Spread of diease
4.)Warmer Waters, More Hurricanes
3.)Increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves
2.)Economic Consequences
1.)Polar ice caps melting
This website shows the top 5 reasons and how important it is to stop Global Warming because soon this world is going to end. It is so powerful it is harming our society. It can cause severe damage all around the world and will if people continue not to care about the harm it is causing us. Global Warming in the future can cause billions worth of dollars in damage and can kill lots of innocent people in hurricanes snow storms etc. Global Warming is going to be an impact on so many lives its going to be hard to believe. It will come on strong people will take a second look and wish they could have done something.

Can we solve Global Warming?

Global warming can be stoped but inorder to do that we need to act very quickly. "This is a movement about change, as individuals, as a country and as a global community. There is no more important cause than the call to action to save our planet". Leonardo DiCaprio has been marching or fighting for Global Warming since October 27, 2005. That is not very long but it is making a difference by getting the word out. Global Warming is one of the biggest issues in the world today which is why we need to stand up and fight it. Global Warming is caused by of course human beings. It affects our nature and can us. Back to the question yes Global Warming can be solved but it will take numerous amounts of years in-order for it to get under control.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Gloal Warming

My gosh its hot our world is heating up do to global warming we need to fix it!